Five Essential Oils We Highly Recommend

Five Essential Oils We Highly Recommend



Essential oils are extracts from plants and are helpful when it comes to anxiety, poor sleep, depression, killing bacteria, nausea and much more. Here are five essential oils we all need in our lives.

Lemongrass Oil

Lemongrass, also known as Cymbopogon, has a citrus scent and is known to help relieve stress, anxiety and depression. Its antibacterial properties make it a good natural remedy for coughs, achey joints, pain, vomiting and high blood pressure.

Lavender Oil

Lavender is one of the most popular oils in aromatherapy and can aid in anxiety and stress. Lavender oil is also a popular oil for relaxation and is highly recommended for nighttime foot massages before bed.

Frankincense Oil

Sometimes called the “King of Oils,” frankincense is known to help with inflammation and moods. Studies have also shown that it helps prevent gum disease and improve asthma.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil should be your best friend during cold and flu season. Eucalyptus can clear your stuffy nose by opening your nasal passages allowing you to breath better during a sinus infection or a cold. It is also known to relieve pain and fight against the herpes simplex virus. Be careful though, this oil should not be ingested and can be dangerous to children and pets.

Orange Oil

When diffused in the air, orange oil has the ability to reduce anxiety. It’s also great for cleaning as a natural cleaner in your home due to it’s ability to kill bacteria. We all can use some natural remedies to help ease our pain and stressors. Please consult with your doctor first before trying an oil you’re unsure about.

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