Milton Putman Brings New Leadership to Detroit Garment Group and Fashion Avenue
Milton Putman is stirring the gossip in Michigan’s fashion community. The CEO of Complete Dominance Athletics was recently announced as Detroit Garment Group’s new Executive Director. He’s also making our heads spin with his new news about his manufacturing business, Complete Image Manufacturing, landing on Fashion Avenue (details coming soon).
Putman is an entrepreneur that just won’t quit and we’re excited to witness and support his next move. Check out my interview below with the new fashion force you need to meet. Like, soon.

Interview: Milton Putman of Detroit Garment Group and Complete Image Manufacturing
DFN: Congratulations on your new role as Executive Director of Detroit Garment Group. It is my understanding you “saved” the organization. Rumor has it, DGG leaders were very close to dissolving the nonprofit. What made you want to step in and help?
Putman: I believe in DGG and what we stand for. Providing possibilities and resources to merging designers and other fashion enthusiasts.
DFN: Where do you plan to take Detroit Garment Group from here?
Putman: My plan is to take DGG to national and international levels, making it the flagship of the fashion industry and expand our platform.
DFN: What type of things are missing from Detroit Garment Group that you plan to “fix” or bring to the table for the community?
Putman: I want to bridge the gap between business and fashion in this industry. There are a lot of great creatives but the understanding of business in this industry is at a bare minimum.
DFN: When you won the Detroit Garment Group pitch contest at Verge, did you see yourself leading the organization one day?
Putman: Yes, that was one of my goals. Not just for DGG, but in the industry as a whole.
DFN: When growing up, did you dream of a career in fashion? If yes, tell us more. If not, what did you aspire to be?
Putman: I always wanted to be a pro basketball player. I always liked to dress nice, that was the only fashion I knew of growing up lol.
DFN: Who is your inspiration?
Putman: My first inspiration is always my mother. Being a witness of seeing her carry herself professionally in every moment when conducting business. After her, it’s Paul Cuffee, the wealthiest African American during the Revolutionary times.
DFN: Congratulations on your recent announcement regarding your new company, Complete Image Manufacturing. Please tell us about CIM’s services and how it will serve Michigan’s fashion community.
Putman: CIM is an apparel manufacturing company that also provides the services of product development, retail space, and distribution. Our company mission is to take the merging designers, brand owners, and small companies’ products to the next level in the retail and fashion industry. We will be providing new opportunities in employment, business partnering, and expanding the fashion industry here in Michigan
DFN: Why did you choose Detroit’s Fashion Avenue as the prime location for Complete Image Manufacturing?
Putman: I chose the Avenue of Fashion, because I want to grow it like Rodeo Drive of Los Angeles, but instead with the designers of Metro Detroit.
DFN: What makes Complete Image Manufacturing different from other fashion manufacturing houses in Michigan?
Putman: There’s no other manufacturing house that’s providing the services that we provide. Our vendors won’t only get their products manufactured but will be able to accomplish their goals in retail and to be a powerful brand in the industry.
For example, we have added a service where we do Product Development. This service will help our clients to be more retail-ready. We will be taking the designer/brand owner by the hand and will teach them the fundamentals of business in the fashion industry. How to meet and talk to buyers in the retail industry. Knowing the tools that are needed to be in any retail store. Learning how to build relationships with that retailer so that they both can be successful. Lastly, knowing what the retailer expects from them and if their product fits into the market
DFN: What can we expect from you in the upcoming months? Any exciting announcements to share?
Putman: The grand opening of CIM. I plan to make a big statement when we open our doors. I want everybody to know that CIM is here to make Michigan grow in the fashion industry.
DFN: Thank you, Milton. It was a pleasure speaking with you! We wish you the best of luck!
Putman: Thank you. Blessings and Prosperity.
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